How do I transfer a student who has already used the program into my class?

Students and their data can now be transferred to another teacher. This will help with matriculation and continuity when students ascend grade levels and have a new teacher.

To enroll a student who has previously worked in Flow Reading Fluency Digital, please follow these steps:

  1. Make sure the student's previous teacher has deleted the student from his/her roster.
  2. Add the student manually (previous students cannot be added via CSV at this time).
    1. Enter the student's first and last name.
    2. Enter the student's username. It must be the username he/she used with his/her previous teacher.
    3. You do not need to set the grade level, placement level, or passage level for the student if you plan on importing his/her previous data.
    4. Leave the box unchecked if you would like to import the student's previous work data. If you would like to add the student without his previous work data, check the box.
    5. Click "Create Account."
  3. A pop-up will appear asking if you would like to import the student's previous data. Click "yes" or "no."

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