Program Updates

We are committed to bringing you the very best program possible, which is why we are constantly updating Flow Reading Fluency Digital. Check out the updates we have in store for you!

Completed Updates

Updates: Completed

Student Accounts and Registration Updates:

  1. You no longer need to use a student email address to add students. If you delete a student from your class, you can now add them back and restore any of the work they have already completed. 
  2. You will no longer have to create a new email address and username to re-enroll a deleted student. 
  3. Students and their data can now be transferred to another teacher. The new teacher will add the student using the username the student used with his/her previous teacher. The system will ask if you want to import the student's previous data. Right now, this feature does not work for CSV uploads, but it will in a couple of months! This will help with matriculation and continuity when students ascend grade levels and have a new teacher. Learn how to do this here.
March 22, 2021
Progress Overview: The program will remember how you sorted the Progress Overview, so when you return to it, you will not have to resort the table. March 12, 2021
The Progress Overview will have a sorting option that will allow you to see what students have not recently started or completed a passage. This will allow you to check in on students who are not utilizing the program.  April 09, 2021
The Progress Overview will be updated so that teachers can see how many Read Along, Echo Read, and Independent Practice sessions each student has completed. April 09, 2021
Teachers will be able to comment on students' cold and hot readings. Students will be notified when they have a new teacher comment. April 22, 2021
Improved Scoring Interface: Now teachers can score each reading separately and they can reset hot readings if the score was recorded but the student needs to try again. May 14, 2021
Bulk deletion of students: Teachers will be able to clear their rosters at the end of the year by deleting all or multiple students at once.  May 27, 2021
Simplified Student Log-ins: Students will be able to log in with just a 7-character code (4 capital letters and 3 numbers, to be exact)! No more usernames or passwords! Also, teachers will be able to customize these student codes. We are also working on a feature that will allow you to print these codes on cards for your students!  June 22, 2021
Easy-print student login credentials. You will be able to print cards for students that contain their login information and a QR code that will take them to the log-in page. June 22, 2021
Printable student progress reports. You will be able to print student data to share with parents or other authorized professionals working with the student. June 30, 2021
Prosody Rubric Scoring: Now, when you score a cold or hot reading, you will also be able to quickly score a student's prosody (expression & volume, phrasing, fluidity, and pace) using a multi-dimensional prosody rubric.       March 15, 2022

In-progress Updates

Updates: ETA

Future Updates

Updates: ETA

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