What is Flow Reading Fluency Digital's privacy policy?

Flow Reading Fluency Digital takes student privacy very seriously. 

  • Schools and districts can use Flow Reading Fluency Digital (FRFD) without sharing any students' personal data other than their first and last names. Teachers will set up student accounts within FRFD and, in lieu of first and last names, may use abbreviations/initials or student ID numbers.
  • FRFD never corresponds (nor has the capability to communicate) with students via email, site messaging, or the like.
  • All data entered by the teachers is fully encrypted and secured. FRFD site administrators NEVER have access to any student data.
  • Under no circumstances does FRFD request that students enter any personal data or information.
  • Under no circumstances does FRFD use student data for commercial purposes.
  • Only teachers have access to the fully encrypted data of their students.
  • FRFD employs the highest of industry-standard security practices, such as SSL encryption.
  • Data is retained only for education purposes (e.g., assess and monitor, guided instruction).
  • FRFD has signed the Pledge to Safeguard Student Privacy. Learn more here.
  • At any time, parents have the right to contact FRFD to remove and or delete ALL student data.

Please read our entire privacy policy here.

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