How do I sync my current Flow Fluency account with my Clever account?

A. First, synchronize your teacher account to Clever.

  1. Follow this link
  2. Input your own FlowFluency credentials on the sign in page

  1. Go to Edit profile page and click the “Edit profile” button

  1. Enter your email or username for your Сlever account. A Clever email address is the preferred input.

  1. Log out of Flow Fluency.
  2. Log into Flow Fluency using the "Clever" button.

B. Import students from Clever (this includes students that already exist on both Flow Fluency and Clever).

** Please note: If you skip step 9, the existing students in Flow Fluency and Clever will not be merged, and Clever will create a new student on Flow Fluency. Prior student data will not transfer over. **

  1. Go to the sign in page at:
  2. Log in to your Clever account through the "Clever" button at the bottom of the login page.
  3. Click the “Students” table in the menu.
  4. Click the "Import from Clever" button

  1. A page called "My Clever Students" will appear with all students available for import from Clever.
  2. Select the students you plan to have using the program and click the "Add Students" button.
  3. A page called "Clever list edit" will appear. Here, you can set the grade, reading, and passage levels. If you are unsure of the reading and passage levels to assign, you can change them later.
  4. If you do not have students who have used Flow Reading Fluency before, ensure "New User" shows under the "Sync User" column.

  1. To synchronize students who have already used Flow Reading, use the drop-down menu under the "Sync User" column to match the existing Flow student with their Clever first and last name.

This step is important if you wish to have prior student data from Flow imported into Clever.

  1. Click the orange "Import from Clever" button and follow the instructions in the notification: "Students are being imported. Please wait 5 minutes. After that, please reload the page."
  2. Reload the page, and you should now see your students listed in the Students tab.

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